Wednesday, December 06, 2006

First Of May.

When I was small and Christmas trees were tall,
we used to love whilte others used to play.
Don't ask me why, but time has passed us by,
someone else moved in from far away.

Currently having a minor flu, sneezing quite often now, haha! Do you know that you cough unconsciously during sleep but not sneeze? Maybe most of you all knew this quite long ago but I'm just curious..

Then, I slowly think back how I realised that we don't sneeze when we're sleeping. Back then when I was around 10, I sleep with my parents. Normally I will be in their room earlier than them, so one fine night, I was supposed to sleep early but I was still watching the tv in their room then suddenly I heard their footsteps, I quickly turned off the tv and hid myself under the blanket.

Minutes later, my mum came into the room! The me who was hiding under the blanket felt a sudden itch in my nose and went harrrrrr-chewwwww.

Saat nanti, my mum pulled off the blanket.
Mum: Hahaha, I know you're not sleeping yet.
Me: Eiii, how you know!
Mum: You where got hear people sneeze when they're sleeping one.
Me: Hmmm no one meh?
Mum: We only cough unconsciously, xiao boii!
Me: I seee.

See, although I was wrong for not sleeping, but I learnt something. There will always be a positive side in one's wrong deed.

When I was small and Christmas trees were small,

Have a nice day!


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